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Wednesday, 12 March 2014

The Bachalorette

The Bachalorette Party!

Chocolate Cupcakes with Buttercream & Bachalorette Decorations + Custom-made Toppers

Congratulations Noni!

Whatsapp/SMS @ +6012-2809140 utk pertanyaan atau utk membuat tempahan. 

Oh My Minions!

Assalamualaikum! Wow, it has been a loong time since I updated this blog. Been pretty busy and a lot of things happened in 2013 -  I got married :) and end of the year, my Mum passed away. I miss her but Allah knows best and death will definitely take all of us too, one day. 

So back to my baking, Alhamdulillah..I have baked a little lately. These are Minion Inspired Cupcakes for Raimi who turned 6! =)

Chocolate Cupcakes with Buttercream Icing + Minion Decoration & Toppers

SMS/Whatsapp me at +6012-2809140 for enquiries or to make an order. 

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